Help me find the good JSM talks


I’m about to head out for JSM in a couple of weeks. The sheer magnitude of the conference means it is pretty hard to figure out what talks I should attend. One approach I’ve used in the past is to identify people who I know give good talks and go to their talks. But that isn’t a very good talk-discovery mechanism. So this year I’m trying a crowd-sourcing experiment. 

First, some background on what kind of talks I like.

On the other hand, I really am not a fan of talks where someone developed a method, no matter how cool, then started looking around for a data set to apply it to. 

If you know of anyone who is going to give a talk like that can you post it in the comments or tweet it to @simplystats with the hashtag #goodJSMtalks?

Also, if you know anyone who gives posters like this, lemme know so I can drop by.  
