Sunday data/statistics link roundup (1/27/2013)

Jeff Leek
  1. Wisconsin is decoupling the education and degree granting components of education. This means if you take a MOOC like mine, Brian’s or Roger’s and there is an equivalent class to pass at Wisconsin, you can take the exam and get credit. This is big. (via Rafa)
  2. 1. Wisconsin is d[ecoupling the education and degree granting components]( of education. This means if you take a MOOC like [mine](, [Brian’s]( or [Roger’s]( and there is an equivalent class to pass at Wisconsin, you can take the exam and get credit. This is big. (via Rafa) 2.  is a really cool MLB visualisation done with d3.js and Crossfilter. It was also prototyped in R, which makes it even cooler. (via Rafa via Chris V.)
  3. Harvard is encouraging their professors to only publish in open access journals and to resign from closed access journals. This is another major change and bodes well for the future of open science (again via Rafa - noticing a theme this week?).
  4. This deserves a post all to itself, but Greece is prosecuting a statistician for analyzing data in a way that changed their deficit figure. I wonder what the folks at the International Year of Statistics think about that? (via Alex N.)
  5. Be on the twitters at 10:30AM Tuesday and follow the hashtag #jhsph753 if you want to hear all the crazy stuff I tell my students when I’m running on no sleep.
  6. Thomas at StatsChat is fed up with Nobel correlations. Although I’m still partial to the length of country name association.