Yesterday my data sharing policy went a little bit viral. It hit the front page of Hacker News and was a trending repo on Github. I was reading the comments on Hacker News and came across this gem:
So, while I can imagine there are good Frequentists Statisticians out there, I insist that frequentism itself is bogus.
This is the extension of a long standing debate about the relative merits of frequentist and Bayesian statistical methods. It is interesting that I largely only see one side of the debate being played out these days. The Bayesian zealots have it in for the frequentists in a big way. The Hacker News comments are one example, but here are a Yesterday [my data sharing policy]( went a little bit viral. It hit the front page of Hacker News and was a trending repo on Github. I was [reading the comments on Hacker News]( and came across this gem: more. Interestingly, even the “popular geek press” is getting in the game.
I think it probably deserves a longer post but here are my thoughts on statistical zealotry:
My final thought on this matter is: never trust people with an agenda bearing extreme counterexamples.