Announcing the tidypvals package

Jeff Leek

A few years ago I helped write a paper where we proposed scraping p-values from the medical literature to try to estimate the science-wise false discovery rate. The paper generated a ton of interesting discussion and inspired other groups to start collecting p-values from the literature.

As I’ve mentioned before the p-value is the most popular statistic ever invented so there are a lot of published p-values out there.

The tidypvals package is an effort to find previous collections of published p-values, synthesize them, and tidy them into one analyzable data set. The currently available p-value data sets in this package are:

Each data set is “tidy” data frame and has the following columns:

Currently the package is only available from Github, but when I figure out the ExperimentHub package from Bioconductor I hope to move the package there. For now you can install it with


Then you can load the library and then access each data set by name.


Data sets can be easily merged, but be careful to avoid duplicated p-values across different data sets. You can see how each data set was obtained and tidied by viewing the corresponding vignette.


One purpose of tidying these data is to be able to do cross-study analysis of p-values in the literature. As a teaser for things coming soon, this plot represents more than 2.5 million p-values across 25 different fields. Notice anything funny?

All p-values